


The 工商管理硕士(MBA) program is dedicated to providing educational and 研究 opportunities to working adults wanting to develop professionally by enhancing their business skills and credentials. 研究生s from this degree program are able to communicate effectively through written and oral expression; apply 批判性思维 skills to managerial decisions; analyze and evaluate ethical decision making and social responsibility when solving business problems; understand and apply the strategic 管理 principles of crafting and executing strategy in a global economy; and obtain in-depth knowledge of the functional areas of business.

The MBA program is a 30-hour program intended for upwardly mobile professionals and recent 学士学位 graduates with exceptional academic backgrounds. 课程以完全在线的形式提供. 课程分为八门核心课程和两门选修课. 如果学生希望获得商业分析的集中, 数字营销, 医疗管理, 澳门威尼斯人赌城管理, or 战略管理 they are required to take eight core courses and four concentration specific electives for a total of 36 semester credit hours. 


  • 评估领导风格,以确定适当的管理行动,以适应不断变化的环境.
  • 运用金融理论评估投资决策, 分析决策工具, 以及定量和非定量的经济属性.
  • 制定包含市场营销的商业可行性计划, 经济学, 会计, 金融, 管理理论.



核心课程侧重于商业理论和应用,结合案例研究, 研究, 演讲, 和研讨会. 该计划的目的是让学生能够应用会计原则, 金融, 经济学, 信息技术, 管理, 市场营销, 业务分析, 商业策略, 以及当代全球商业环境下的商业道德. 从该项目获得的学位可以在私营部门的所有商业学科中获得职业发展, 公共, 或者非营利部门.


  •   业务分析

    This concentration is designed for upwardly mobile professionals who desire additional training in analytical tools for decision making. 该课程旨在培养对关键商业概念的深入了解, 特别关注在今天的现代企业分析实践的利用. Core topics within the MBA - 业务分析 curriculum pertain to foundational 业务分析 knowledge, 分析决策中使用的统计方法, 商业智能的使用, 以及分析编程和数据挖掘的介绍.


    1. 商业分析的统计方法

    2. 商业智能 & 数据通信

    3. 商业分析的数据获取和管理

    4. 决策分析、建模和实验

  •   数字营销

    This concentration provides students with knowledge relating to relevant 市场营销 concepts that aid in communicating value through a growing number of digital platforms. 另外, students will also learn to utilize data gat在这里d from digital platforms to aid in 市场营销 decision making and the use of social media for brand awareness. b2c关系, 产品及服务推广, 市场分析技术也将盛行. 


    1. 数字营销

    2. 社交媒体和移动营销

    3. 电子商务

    4. 市场营销分析

  •   一般业务

    The 工商管理硕士(MBA) program is dedicated to providing educational and 研究 opportunities to working adults wanting to develop professionally by enhancing their business skills and credentials. 研究生s from this degree program are able to communicate effectively through written and oral expression; apply 批判性思维 skills to managerial decisions; analyze and evaluate ethical decision making and social responsibility when solving business problems; understand and apply the strategic 管理 principles of crafting and executing strategy in a global economy; and obtain in-depth knowledge of the functional areas of business.


    1. 商业分析决策

    2. 决策经济学

    3. 当代管理与领导

    4. 商业策略

  •   医疗管理

    This concentration prepares students for a career in healthcare administration by providing courses relevant to the the United States Health Care system. The curriculum is designed to develop an in-depth knowledge of the business aspects associated with the healthcare industry, 与课程整合主题有关的管理, 目前的趋势, 质量改进, 法律和道德. A degree from the MBA program with this concentration can lead to careers in medical offices and hospital administration, 医疗信息, 医疗保健计划, 公共卫生, 和更多的.


    1. 医疗机构管理

    2. 医疗保健的话题 & 问题

    3. 提高医疗保健质量

    4. 医疗法律 & 道德


  •   澳门威尼斯人赌城管理

    This concentration provides the intellectual and managerial skills individuals need for career advancement and leadership in the sport industry. 它的目的是发展和深化学生的各种技能, 包括分析和定量技术能力, 批判性思维, 沟通能力, 和价值观. A degree from the MBA program with this concentration can lead to careers in high school or collegiate athletics, 职业体育, 企业体育, 国际体育和娱乐/休闲事业.


    1. 田径管理局

    2. 体育营销

    3. 体育研讨会

    4. 体育管理实习

  •   战略管理

    This concentration prepares professionals with knowledge concerning modern strategic 管理 concepts that aid in managerial decision making, 价值创造, 组织竞争优势. These courses will focus on strategic decision making designed to improve organizational value and competitive advantage.  学生还将学习与有效项目管理相关的概念, 技术管理, 以及合并的使用, 收购, 公司重组. A degree from the MBA program with this concentration can lead to a career in a wide variety of private businesses, 咨询公司, 或者公共部门.


    1. 项目管理

    2. 战略管理、价值创造和竞争优势

    3. 合并、收购和公司重组

    4. 技术管理

  •   双学位课程:DO/MBA

    The DO/MBA dual degree program begins with an intensive eight-week summer session of four (4) three (3) credit hour core courses. 第一个夏季学期的课程包括MBA 545、550、570、 & 575. 这些课程以在线形式提供. Students will then take an additional four (4) core courses and two (2) electives in an online format throughout the remainder of their professional program.  DO/MBA学生将完成一般MBA课程还是集中MBA课程.

    学生必须提交当前的简历和写作样本(提示将提供) 4月.anderson@4499ku.com.

    成绩单和推荐信: 学生可联络 玛丽亚(女名).harris@4499ku.com 德布斯克骨科医学院的教授.


    对于任何攻读DO/MBA课程的学生,最低GPA要求是3分.没有开始DCOM课程的学生需达到5分或以上. 你的平均成绩必须是3分.如果课程已经开始,DCOM成绩为0或更高. 你需要商学院和DCOM的批准才能攻读双学位课程. 

  •   双学位课程:DVM/MBA

    的数字式电压表./MBA dual degree program begins with an intensive eight-week summer session of four (4) three (3) credit hour core courses. 第一个夏季学期的课程包括MBA 545、550、570、 & 575. 这些课程以在线形式提供.  Students will then take an additional four (4) core courses and two (2) electives in an online format throughout the remainder of their professional program.  DVM/MBA学生将完成通用MBA或集中MBA课程.

    学生必须提交当前的简历和写作样本(提示将提供) 4月.anderson@4499ku.com.

    成绩单和推荐信: 学生可联络 ciera.lindley@4499ku.com 在兽医学院.

  •   双学位课程:JD/MBA

    The JD/MBA dual degree program begins with an intensive eight-week summer session of four (4) three (3) credit hour core courses. 第一个夏季学期的课程包括MBA 545、550、570、 & 575. 这些课程以在线形式提供. Students will then take an additional four (4) core courses and two (2) electives in an online format throughout the remainder of their professional program. JD/MBA学生将完成通用MBA或集中MBA课程.  JD/MBA学生有资格替换LAW 1021 - contract & 销售1和法律2011 -商业组织作为一般MBA课程中的选修课.

    学生必须提交当前的简历和写作样本(提示将提供) 4月.anderson@4499ku.com.

    成绩单和推荐信: 学生可联络 兰德尔.matthews@4499ku.com 在邓肯法学院.

  •   双学位课程:硕士/MBA

    The DMD/MBA dual degree program begins with an intensive eight-week summer session of four (4) three (3) credit hour core courses. 第一个夏季学期的课程包括MBA 545、550、570、 & 575. 这些课程以在线形式提供. Students will then take an additional four (4) core courses and two (2) electives in an online format throughout the remainder of their professional program. DMD/MBA学生将完成通用MBA或集中MBA课程. 

    学生必须提交当前的简历和写作样本(提示将提供) 4月.anderson@4499ku.com.

    成绩单和推荐信: 学生可联络 玛丽.leckrone@4499ku.com 在牙科医学院工作.



出席费用包括学费 & 费用




  1. MBA在线申请
  2. 写作提示
  3. 当前简历/简历
  4. 所有本科和研究生课程的正式成绩单
  5. 本科学历,至少2门.75年平均绩点
  6. 两封推荐信


欢迎能够完全在线完成MBA课程的国际申请人申请. 其他入学要求包括:

  1. 托福成绩最低70分
  2. Official Evaluated Transcripts sent through an evaluating service directly to the school - 世界教育服务 (www.韦斯.org)和国际教育评估公司. (worldwidetranscripts.com/iee我被学校录取了.

写作样本, 简历, 和推荐信(直接从推荐信)可以通过申请门户网站在线提交.

正式成绩单(直接从机构)可以电子发送到 4月安德森 或邮寄至以下地址:

421公园,北纬40度. 大街.,

*如果可能的话, please send transcripts electronically for the time being to ensure timely receipt on behalf of LMU School of Business.
