
不寻常的 & 特殊情况下



 Three students st和ing near a tree talking.

 特殊的 circumstances can include loss of income due to:

· Job termination or reduction in hours
· Divorce or separation after completion of the FAFSA
· Death of a parent or spouse after completion of the FAFSA
· Loss or reduction of untaxed income or benefits
· Reduced earnings due to a natural disaster or disability
· 不寻常的 medical or dental expenses not covered by insurance


What is a special circumstance?

当学生和/或他们的家庭被认为有特殊情况时,FAFSA可能无法准确反映他们目前的经济状况. The FAFSA requests tax information that is two years old. Financial circumstances may change from when the taxes were filed to the present day. 在这些情况下, a request for a special circumstance review may be made. 学生金融服务办公室将逐案审查特殊情况,以确定是否可以对FAFSA数据元素进行调整,以反映学生和/或其家庭当前的财务状况.

How to Request a 特殊的 Circumstance Review

To request a special circumstances review, the student must first complete the FAFSA for the relevant aid year. After completing the FAFSA, the 特殊情况表格 必须填妥并连同适当的文件一并交回学生财务服务办公室. 建议在学期结束前至少两周提交申请和所有必需的文件.

Adjustments to Cost of Attendance

All students are given a cost of attendance (COA) for financial aid purposes. COA包括直接成本,如学费和杂费,以及间接成本,如生活费用(住房和食物)和交通. Financial aid offers cannot exceed the student’s COA. 在某些情况下, 学生金融服务办公室可以调整COA,以便学生可以获得额外的经济援助. Requests for COA adjustments are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Reasons for adjustments can include:

· Increased costs for housing 和 food
· Additional transportation expenses
· Additional required educational expenses

Adjustments cannot be considered for consumer debt, such as credit card debt or the purchase of a car.

How to Request an Adjustment to the Cost of Attendance

请求调整, 学生应提交一份解释和文件,以支持学生金融服务办公室的请求. 建议在学期结束前至少两周提交申请和所有必需的文件.

特殊情况审查和出勤费用调整不能保证学生将有资格获得额外的经济援助. If changes are made to the student’s financial aid offer, a revised notification will be sent to the student’s LMU email account.




A student walking near the clock tower.

不寻常的 Circumstance Requests

澳门威尼斯人赌城联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)的一系列问题决定了学生是否被归类为 依赖的还是独立的. Students who are classified as dependent are required to report parental information. Even though a student may be classified as dependent on the FAFSA, unusual circumstances may prevent the student from including parent information.  当某些条件存在时,助学金管理人员可以进行专业判断,将受抚养学生归类为独立学生. 一个独立的分类允许学生仅根据FAFSA提供的学生数据元素来评估经济援助.


What is an unusual circumstance?

不寻常的 情况下 are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. An unusual circumstance may include parental ab和onment, an abusive family environment, 或者父母监禁. 不寻常的情况不包括父母拒绝为学生的教育捐款, the parent’s unwillingness to provide information on the FAFSA or for verification, not claiming the student as dependent for income tax purposes, or the student demonstrating total self-sufficiency. 

How to Request an 不寻常的 Circumstance

1. 完成 FAFSA 和 select “yes” to the question, “Do unusual circumstances prevent the student from contacting their parents, or would contacting their parents pose a risk to the student?”

2. 完成第1部分 特殊情况表格 和 return it to the Office of 学生财务服务, along with the required supporting documentation. Documentation is critical to the process. Along with the form, the student must submit the following:

· A personal statement that is 签名并注明日期 由学生提出以下问题:详细说明你目前与父母的关系, what led to the relationship status, the date on which you last spoke to your parents, how you are supporting yourself, 和 information about where you are living now; 

· Supporting documentation (examples: death certificate, a medical statement indicating parent is institutionalized, legal paperwork of incarceration, protection/restraining order); OR

· If you do not have supporting documentation, submit two 签名并注明日期 由两个不同的专业人士(如顾问)用官方信笺写的信, 部长, 律师, 社会工作者, 等.) that verify the family circumstances you described in your statement.  The letters must address your relationship with both parents.  

一旦学生金融服务办公室收到特殊情况表格和所需文件, 它将被审查.  我们会尽快,但不迟于学生入学后60天内,对其是否受抚养作出最后决定. The final decision will be emailed to the student’s LMU email account. 在确定学生是否符合所有其他资格要求后,将向学生发送经济援助通知. 任何收到批准的特殊情况申诉的学生将在LMU的每个后续奖励年度被归类为独立学生,除非学生通知学生金融服务办公室情况发生变化或发现有关依赖性的相互矛盾的信息.

Parent Refuses to Fill Out the FAFSA or Does Not Provide Any Financial Support

父母拒绝完成FAFSA或提供经济支持不构成特殊情况.  在这些情况下, 学生可获提供直接无补贴贷款,但贷款金额须符合规定的年度受抚养人贷款限额. To request an account review for these reasons, a student would need to:

1. 完成 FAFSA 和 answer "yes" to the question, “Are the student's parents unwilling to provide their information, 但该学生并没有特殊情况阻止他们联系或获取父母的信息?”  

2. 完成第2部分 异常情况表格 并将其和所需的文件交回学生金融服务办公室.

一旦学生金融服务办公室收到异常情况表格和所需文件, 它将被审查.  最终决定将在可行的情况下尽快作出,但不迟于学生入学后60天.  The final decision will be emailed to the student’s LMU email account.





无家可归或有无家可归风险的无人陪伴青少年不需要在FAFSA上提供父母信息. 尚未确定无家可归者的学生可以要求学生金融服务办公室做出决定. All requests will be viewed on a case-by-case basis. 要求, 学生可能需要向学生金融服务办公室提供证明其身份的文件.

How to Request a Homeless Determination

1. The student must complete the FAFSA 和, 澳门威尼斯人赌城应用程序, 在FAFSA的“个人情况”部分的“学生其他情况”问题上选择“是”. 如果学生已经有了决定,学生将选择由谁做出决定.  If the student does not have a determination, the student will select “None of the above.选择“以上皆非”的学生表明需要确定无家可归者.

2. After completing the FAFSA, if requested, the student must complete the 无人陪伴的 无家可归的年轻人 Form 和 return it to The Office of 学生财务服务. If a student cannot obtain documentation, 学生应联系学生金融服务办公室以获得进一步指导.

一旦学生金融服务办公室收到表格和所需的文件, 它将被审查.  最终决定将在可行的情况下尽快作出,但不迟于学生入学后60天.  The final decision will be emailed to the student’s LMU email account. 在确定学生是否符合所有其他资格要求后,将向学生发送经济援助通知. 任何被确定为无家可归者的学生将被视为在LMU随后的每个奖励年度独立,除非学生通知学生金融服务办公室情况发生变化或发现有关无家可归者确定的相互矛盾的信息.

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